This site was created on May 19, 2001, out of the post-elections turmoil in Guyana. Its primary purposes are to highlight and discuss, and offer ideas and solutions, to the problems in Guyana. Additionally, it is a site that seeks to highlight the cultures of Guyana and the literary interests of its owners. It also offers an independent forum to others, especially Guyanese and West Indians.

reserve the right to print, or not print any submission. We will not deny publication merely because the expressed view differs from ours; indeed we encourage differing views. We believe in the maxim "where all men think alike, none thinks at all." Where we decide to print, we reserve the right to do so in whole, in part, or or otherwise edited. Naturally, we strive to print pieces in whole. Where a submission is not printed in its entirety, we shall always convey the view of the contributor, and never selectively print only what we agree with.

We seriously encourage readers, especially Guyanese to send your writings; poems, essays, book reviews, term papers, for possible posting. We neither require no fee nor make any payments, and the writer shall always have ownership of his/her piece.

Privacy Policy
We will not divulge, sell, or otherwise share personal information of any contributor. We encourage all contributors to use a name or penname when submitting materials, and will withhold a contributor's name if such a request is made.

Use of Material
We credit all for use of material. If anyone use anything from this site, please cite respectively. Please feel free to cite this website at your discretion. Where the source of material is unknown, it remains uncredited and is used in good faith, in regards to the policy of "fair use." All images and articles written by Rakesh Rampertab should be credited if used as well as this website,

Contact Info:
This website can be contacted via its primary editor, Rakesh Rampertab at:


Amerindians using bows and arrows for fishing on a river in the Essequibo.
Hibiscus (top), Grove, East Bank Demerara and flower and butterfly (below) at Rose Hall, Berbice. Photos by Rakesh Rampertab, 2003.
About Us
by Rakesh Rampertab























© 2001